90 years of growing together as a Community
United people from the past worked together to build a foundation that has lasted to this day

Fr. Berg and Archbishop Stritch at the school ground breaking when construction started.

1931 Construction of our new School.
Note the original Church on the left.
Our First Communion

Rectory & School construction
Interior design of our second Church (now Berg Hall).
Celebrating new Additions
After years of construction, our community is celebrating the Dedication of the 2nd Church.
New School Auditorium /Gym
In 1956 five, years after the massive undertaking of our church and school, a new school Auditorium/Gym was added for our ever-growing community.
Inside the Auditorium /Gym
The newest extension of the school, and church is being dedicated by the Archbishop Stritch.
1963 Convent
ground-breaking celebration
The new blessed land would become the Convent for many years, and then become the Strenski Center for Church groups and local offices for Catholic Charities.

The Strenski Center
The Center is now a multi-use facility for the Parish,
as well as the Guadalupe Chapel for some Church Services.

Inside of Strenski Center during its Dedication.

John F. Kennedy
The 35th U.S. President
Visits our community
The new Mass Center of our church
This facility will become the main Church in our Parish Community
The complete picture
After decades of building our Parish community, we finally accomplished what has been a dream for many years. Thanks to our forefathers, we have our new home.