Frances Jambrek Biography

I’ve been a member of St. Mark’s parish for approximately eleven (11) years and the Parish Council for the past several years. I have found the Council to be both educational and interesting.
I was born and raised in Kenosha. I was employed as a library clerk by the Kenosha Public Library (for 45 years) and retired in 2011. Since then I’ve been able to devote more time to my interests which include embroidery, knitting, lace making, music, reading, and making minor book repairs (usually on the church hymnals). I’m also a member of the local Croatian Fraternal Lodge.
I volunteer one afternoon a week as rectory receptionist. I am also a member of Stitching Souls. I teach the English baptism class and I have the privilege of being a lector on a regular basis. I am also honored to bring communion to individuals who aren’t able to attend mass.

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